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looking for an

AR Experience?

The ar browser
for mobile

There are 5 collections
with a broad variety of content


You need to see it,
in order to understand it?


Your lifestyle
is defined by the things that surround you.


It's a big world out there, explore it!


It’s all about fun and games for you? Enjoy!


Do you art? We do!

Immersive Experience
with 3D, Animations, Videos and Sound


Some authors may charge for Premium Content


Realitatea Augmentat‪a este inclusa‪ in programul de Digitalizare a IMM-urilor 2023

indexAR este o soluție de livrare conținut 3D în Realitate Augmentat‪ă‬ (AR), care ajut‪ă‬ compan...

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Laval Virtual - indexAR 2019

This was a great opportunity for us to get in touch with the market trends and the Western Europe...

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Virtual tram placed in front of the CEC Palace in Bucharest, trough the mobile app indexAR

Bucuresti AR - Transformarea Digitala

FACTORY 4.0 a lansat, în premiera, un proiect de transformare digitala a orașului Bucuresti. Pent...

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